on 9:11 PM

For anyone suffering coughing fits (or listening to them) these natural cough remedies may help. Natural remedies include treatment for allergies, herbs, essential oils and vaporizers.

Coughs may be caused by a number of factors including allergies, vial infections and chemical infections. If there is a fever present, it may be caused by an allergy to milk.

In order to find out if you have an allergy, you can perform a pulse test on yourself ? after drinking milk, take your pulse at 15, 30 and 60 minutes and if your pulse rises by more tan 10 beats per minute, you may have an allergy.

If you have trouble sleeping, steam vaporizers may help with sleep at night.

Essential oils including black pepper, cardamom, cedar wood, cypress, Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus radiata, frankincense, Helichrysium, lemon, peppermint, pine, rosemary and sandalwood may all help. These oils may be diffused into a room, inhaled or applied as a rub.

Herbs may be very helpful including: English plantain, licorice, thyme, sweet chestnut and comfrey.

A mixture of ginger, honey and lemon as a hot mixture may be just as beneficial in place of cough syrup. Make it up as a tea by first boiling some water and pouring it into a small thermos (about a litre or a quart). To this add some grated ginger and then four tablespoons each of lemon and honey.

A moderate a moderate amount of exercise is always beneficial for natural cough remedies. ? don?t overdo it, particularly if the cough is in conjunction with a cold or fever.

If the cough persists, consult your health care practitioner.

Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the Global-Longevity.com website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through Global-Longevity.com
