on 12:49 AM

When I first began losing weight (110lbs to be exact!) one thing that I did was to make sure that I did not eat past 7 o clock pm. It didn't matter to me how hungry I was I would not eat after that time each night.

Today I'm not nearly as strict on myself as I was when I weighed a whopping 287lbs. Here are some ideas however when it's late and you just have to have something to eat or if you get an occasional sweet tooth.

1. Have a coke

I know they are filled with sugar and empty calories but they have 0 fat grams. Eating too much fat can often lead to weight gain and you can bet that the worst time to eat a high fat meal is a few hours before you go to bed. Have a coke instead it may be just what you need to curb your appetite.

2. Have a piece of fruit

Ahhh. If there are any doctors reading this I can hear them saying Now that's better! Fruit is good and good for you. You can choose whatever type of fruit you like, watermelon, mangos, a bannana, an orange, an apple, etc.

3. Have a big glass of water flavored with lemon juice

Often when you feel hungry it's not that you are hungry as much as you are thirsty so instead of reaching for that leftover bowl of spaghetti sitting in the fridge drink some water instead.

4. Have a fat free piece of candy

A small piece of candy won't hurt you weight-wise before bed time and it may be very beneficial if it keeps you from binging before you hit the sack.

5. Think about the next day

Oftentimes we make decisions without prior thought to their ramifacations. Think about what it will be like to wake up in the morning, weighing a little less and also about the nice breakfast you are going to have upon rising. Sometimes this is enough to cause you to forgo the late night meal and wait until morning when you can enjoy your breakfast knowing that you are still right on track.

These are just a few things you can do to help alleviate the urge for late night eating. Late night eating will pack on the pounds quicker than just about anything so avoid it as much as possible. Be sure to remember that before implementing any of these dieting strategies to check with your family physician first.

For example: If you are on a special diet that restricts you from having sugar then don't start eating sugary foods just because you read it here. Always and I do mean always follow your doctors health advice.

Bill Vlass is not a doctor and does not even claim to be a weight loss expert. Bill at one point however lost 110lbs and he did it by using the methods he writes about in his articles.

You can visit Bills website at http://www.instantehealthinfo.com

Bill always encourages anyone beginning any diet or excercise program to check with their local physician first.
